
Hey folks,

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Spring weather in January?

My room was hotter than usual when I woke up this morning, so my first thought was that a roommate cranked the thermostat due to recent cold weather conditions outside. I thought wrong. The temperature according to Google was 55°F, and then it slowly crept up to 59°F. Win! So I crawled out of bed to put on my kit for a bike ride. I wore a thermal Under Armour shirt under my jersey and then pulled some Under Armour leggings over my shorts and rode over to Audubon Park. (Trust me, the thermal gear is necessary even if it's not that cold out.)

This was the first real ride I've been on since the fall (I was dealing with an injury during early winter), and it was my first outdoor training ride on the new Trek. As I was riding through the quad, I saw an absurdly large crowd hanging out, and then I noticed that the people were there for the filming of a new Miley Cyrus movie called So Undercover. Yuck. Even more annoying was when some punk teenager called me Lance in a mocking way as I weaved through the crowd. But after riding away I realized that the poor kid was probably trying to sound smart in front of his friends. By the way pal, telling anybody over the age of 15 that Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France is like telling any New Orleanian that the Saints won the Superbowl. Thank you Captain Obvious!

(In case you didn't know.)

The rest of the ride went pretty well. I'm slowly getting the hang of clipless pedals, but sometimes clipping back into them after waiting at a stop light can become a bit tricky. Hopefully it'll get easier with practice.

In other news, I raced a heron today. Yeah, a real flying heron. As I came around a bend on the way towards St. Charles Ave., I saw the bird flying at a pretty quick pace, and both of us happened to be going in the same direction. It was game on from there, so I started a chase and caught up with him (or her). A few seconds later the heron landed in the pond and I emerged victorious from the drag race.

The ride towards home wasn't too bad, but I got this very overplayed song stuck in my head after weaving back through the crowd on the set of Miley's movie (yeah, we're on a first name basis):

This song is way too catchy, and it gives me flashbacks of a time when it was played ad nauseum on the radio and in public places. I think I speak for most of the world's population when I say that next time your country is having a party, don't tell Miley about it.

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