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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cinnamon Roll Protein Powder?!

My order from Bodybuilding.com came in this afternoon, and boy was I in for a treat! I ordered some Scivation Whey (which is still unopened) and 2 lbs. of Ultra Peptide Cinnamon Roll casein protein. Some free stuff also came with the order (more on that later). I went to dinner with a few friends before trying it, but XF Cinnamon Roll is by far the best supplement on the market. No doubt. It really makes for a good addition to any dessert. There will most definitely be Cinnamon Roll muffins, oatmeal, and shakes being made in my kitchen all semester long. But just to be safe, I'm going to check the World Anti-Doping Agency's Prohibited List to make sure that nothing in the supplement is actually illegal. It's probably clear for any athlete to take, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Speaking of anti-doping, guess who retired from cycling? Hmm? Any guesses? Yeah, Floyd Landis! Finally! The guy is such a Debbie Downer with his remarks concerning Lance Armstrong and his possible drug use. Newsflash: They didn't find anything in Lance's samples. Quit being a sore loser, buddy. (Note: Landis was caught with synthetic testosterone in his system and then stripped of his 2006 Tour de France title. I guess he's still a bit bitter.) Yeah, doping does give cycling a bad name, but at least wait until the results of Lance's investigation are in before you start bagging on him for something that hasn't been proven. C'mon, people!

(Photo courtesy of http://www.dailymail.co.uk)

So tonight I'll enjoy my Cinnamon Roll protein powder (seriously the best supplement I've ever had), the Floyd Landis retirement announcement, and the freebies that Bodybuilding.com sent. Yeah, freebies, quite possibly the best invention since sliced mangoes. Free shaker bottle, amino acid sample, Bodybuilding.com bracelet, and razor. By the way, the razor came just in the knick of time! It'll really come in handy this weekend since I forgot to buy cartridges for the semester (whoops).

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